Contact the Southern Indiana REALTORS® Association

Thank you for your interest in the Southern Indiana REALTORS® Association. If you would like additional information about our association please contact us. 

SIRA Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Phone / Fax

Phone 812-941-7472 / Fax 812-941-7272

Office/Mailing Address

SIRA Office
20 Lakeview Drive 
Clarksville, IN 47129 

Our Staff

Glenda Gasparine - President/CEO

Joan Lochner - MLS

Sarah Faye - Member Services / Supra

Social Media


Join the SIRA REALTORS Group on Facebook

Connect with other local Realtors and exchange ideas and share experiences. Click on the link below to connect with this Facebook Group.

The SIRA REALTOR Group is only open to active SIRA Realtors and approval will be required after you request to join the group.